
Veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your smile, giving you a beautiful new look!

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of porcelain or composite resin material that are attached to the front surface of teeth. They are used to improve the aesthetics of a smile and can also be used to protect against further damage.

Veneers process

For porcelain veneers, the process begins with your dentist removing a small portion of the front surface of your tooth. Then, once this is complete, a thin layer of porcelain is bonded to the front teeth. Composite veneers are created by applying layers of ceramic composite material to the surface of the tooth and then bonding them together. Finally, both types of veneers can be coloured to match your existing teeth and give you a natural-looking smile.

Are veneers permanent?

Are veneers permanent? Veneers are a semi-permanent dental prosthetic, meaning they are not intended to be a permanent solution, and can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years with proper care. Proper care includes following your dentist’s instructions for proper oral hygiene, avoiding hard foods that could damage the veneers, and possibly using a mouthguard for protection if you are prone to teeth grinding.

Veneers vs Crowns

Veneers and crowns are both dental treatments that can improve the appearance, color, and function of teeth. Veneers are placed on only the front surface of a tooth, while crowns cover an entire tooth; for this reason, veneers tend to be more aesthetically pleasing since they show less gum margin. Crowns, however, may last longer than veneers - though both need to be replaced eventually - as they are thicker in build. Both require similar care: you will typically brush and floss around them as normal. Ultimately, the type of treatment that best suits you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Which veneers are best?

Patients looking to get veneers often wonder which type is the best fit. Porcelain veneers are a great choice due to their natural looking results and durability thanks to being made of high-quality ceramic material. Composite bonding is also an option and offers similar results but at a lower cost. However, they are not as durable as porcelain veneers since they require less tooth enamel be removed during treatment. 

Will veneers straighten teeth?

Can veneers straighten teeth? While veneers cannot physically straighten your natural teeth, they can provide the appearance of straightness by covering them with a composite resin or porcelain application. This process is especially useful when there are one or two crooked teeth in comparison to the rest of your mouth. For patients who have several crooked teeth, this method still provides a cosmetic solution but may not be ideal.

How much do veneers cost?

How much do veneers cost? Veneer costs vary widely, depending on how complex the treatment is and the type of veneer you receive. Generally, speaking, however, a consultation will give you an idea of what to expect when it comes to pricing.