Root Canal Treatment.

Strong tooth pain or prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, can sometimes be due to infection or pulp damage. In some cases a root canal is potentially needed.

Root canal treatment is used to save a tooth when its blood or nerve supply (pulp) has been damaged due to decay or trauma. The infected pulp needs to be removed and the inside of the tooth cleaned in order for the infection to be eliminated and prevent further damage. The procedure is performed by drilling into the tooth, removing the damaged pulp, cleaning and shaping the inside of the tooth, then filling it with a special material.

Root canal symptoms

Symptoms of a root canal infection can vary, but they usually manifest when the pulp of the tooth has died or is dying. Signs may include discoloration (darkening) of your tooth, sensitivity to heat and cold, tenderness when you bite down, pain and swelling around the affected tooth. If left untreated, an abscess—an inflamed area in which pus collects—can develop and cause more severe pain. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the infection will spread and may lead to your tooth needing to be extracted. If you experience any discomfort or pain related to your teeth contact us immediately for evaluation.

What happens during root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a multi-step process, spread out over several visits to the dentist. After receiving x-rays and examining your mouth and teeth, the first step is to remove any infected pulp from the canal. During subsequent visits the root canal will be finished and the final restoration placed. If you experience pain or sensitivity in your teeth, it's important to visit us as soon as possible for treatment.

Root canal healing

When your root canal procedure is complete, you may experience some tenderness in the area for a few days following the appointment. This is normal and typically subsides within a week as the recovery process progresses. After the healing period is complete, your dentist will schedule another visit to make sure everything is healed properly and that all infection has been removed from inside the tooth.

Root canal treatment vs extraction

When facing a damaged tooth, root canal treatment and extraction are your two main options. While natural teeth are best for doing the job, if the nerve needs to be removed, extraction may be a better choice. Whether or not more appointments are required with either procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the case. For instance, some tooth extractions may also need to be carried out in multiple visits if the patient is interested in getting an implant to replace it. Ultimately, the best course of action depends on your individual dental needs.

Root canal treatment cost

Root canals involve multiple visits and the overall cost of the procedure will depend on the condition of your tooth and how many appointments are required to complete it. After a thorough examination, we can provide an estimated cost for the treatment.