Dental Implants.

Pt. Chevalier Family Dentist can replace lost teeth with dental implants for natural-looking, permanent solution.

Dental implants are a great option for people who have lost teeth due to injury, disease, or aging. Implants provide a more natural-looking and secure solution than bridges or dentures. They can also help improve your overall oral health and give you back some confidence in your smile!

How are dental implants put in?

Dental implant surgery is a process that typically involves the installation of a titanium screw into your jaw bone. This metal post acts as an anchor for the replacement tooth, which will be custom-made to match your existing teeth. During the procedure, anaesthesia is administered and a small incision is made in the gum to expose the bone beneath. The implant is then carefully inserted into place and allowed to heal over several weeks before the new tooth can be attached.

Are dental implants painful?

Is the dental implant procedure painful? No, not necessarily. Dental implants are typically performed while you're under local anaesthetic, so there should not be any pain during the procedure. Afterwards, some minor discomfort may be experienced for a few days post-procedure, but this can usually be managed with over the counter medications. If you have any questions or concerns about the dental implant process, please don't hesitate to discuss them with your dentist at your consultation appointment.

Are dental implants expensive?

Are dental implants expensive? The cost of dental implants varies depending on the type of implant and complexity of the treatment. It can be difficult to calculate how much a single implant will cost, as each patient's situation is unique. Factors to consider when determining the cost include the condition of the jawbone and customised recommended treatments. During your diagnostic consultation, these factors will be evaluated in order to determine which treatment is best for you and what the associated costs will be.